Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fuzzy Goals - location, location, location!!

I have a goal...and it's a fuzzy one.

But I want to clearly see my goal so badly. My bifocals are on. Yet when I look at the present...I can't see it. And when I look further away....I still can't see it.

So with a prayer in my heart and a mouse in my hand, again, I hit the internet.(Tabi's anyone?)

I've heard that blogs, forums, and chat rooms generate exposure...so here I am.

Todays goal: linking my links
I will post each link, in each location
Where I offer the jewelry I design
The Bird's Nest
Where I offer collectibles, antiques and other treasures
Where I swap. Guilt free shopping
Location, location,location. Now, even though my goals may be fuzzy, when I finally get this "kicked-off" I should be able to score easily. Simply because of the goal placement.


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