Friday, November 19, 2010

Blue is great when I'm homesick

Today I'm homesick, but a cure is on its way.

I don't miss business suits, long commutes and climbing the corporate ladder.  But I do miss the diversity in business, the arts and people, not to forget the fog. 

The move wasn't all that bad

The Midwestern cost of living has been a God send.  I don't "have to work" to exist and now have the time to creatively breathe. 

We picked up some pretty fun instruments while trying our hand at a co-op gift shop. Learning to play upright and electric bass has been a total blast.  My favorite is still my flute and Gourdalin.  This last year has been great as we've gotten in on some gigs where my jewelry has gotten more exposure (and sales!)

But I still miss the diversity of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Hubby and I have been working on organizing a benefit concert right in the middle of the busy holiday art & craft show season.  Like we weren't busy enough!  It's for a couple of great causes, and thankfully we won't have to freshen up our set and play.

It's a good thing to help others.  It takes the focus off of "us".

But God wired into me the need for some "me" time.  A time where I can be alone and create.  Pour my favorite beverage, put on some good tunes, and spread my supplies all around me and just dive in...for hours!   One thing I have learned is this;  Even though I feel like I could just burst if I don't creatively express myself, I won't.  And when I finally can focus on my creativity, the outcome will be good.  So I have made a decision.

Rest up and dress up

Tomorrow I will dress up in clothes that make me feel creative and special.  And tonight? I will get some much needed rest.  I now have a date with my pillow.

Meet "Blue".
Yes, I've named my pillow. 

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Do you ever feel like your chasing your tail working in circles?  Lately this has been me. 

I've been trying to create enough inventory for my first Holiday Extravaganza Show in years.  I realize some of you already have this down to an art.  But shows are relatively new for me and we'll have two more within the next 30 days.   I'm not complaining, but this is also a great time of year for Ebay listings.  Although it is quite possible that I am in denial that I'm over my head, I still want to make this all work.  Even though I feel like I'm running in circles! 

                                           But I have a remedy, BUILD A DOME HOME!
                                                    (this one is a Geodesic Dome home)

Why a dome home? I'm thinking it would add some (ahem) structure to my life, forcing me to follow a routine.  You're probably like, "what-ever girlfriend", but hear me out. 

It could be a great work environment.  Set up work stations around the inside perimeter of the building.  Just walk through the door and visit the stations the order of which they present themselves.

1st stop,  Station 1 -  Check your email and print all shipping documents.
2nd stop, Station 2 -  Packaging.  Then leave packages by the door @ the last station.
Station 3,4,5 etc     - designing, photography, research, etc.
Final Station - Pick up the packages you initially placed by the door and your day is done!

Since each work station is designated for each unique job, you're good to go when you hire help! Booyah!

But, no work environment is complete without a kitchen.  This wonderful unit would go right in the center of the dome.  I'd like an "S" shaped wall with this kitchen unit on one side and a small restroom on the other.

Should one not prefer the Geodesic design because of its angles, there is also the Monolithic design.
Both designs are known for economical heating/cooling.  Monolithic structures have no fire hazard or negative feng-shui angles. I still prefer the Geodesic design. Maybe because the Monolithic makes me hungry for dim sum.                                 
                                                          Chinese steamed pork buns.

And now, to give credit where credit is due.

 Geodesic dome homes by Timberline.
The Monolighic dome scoop  and full story.
Circle Kitchen by Compact Concepts.